Forwarded mail...

Rob Quinn (
Mon, 6 Jun 1994 22:02:39 -0500 (CDT)

Anyone else getting repeats of messages posted to bugtraqs? I've gotten at least
two like the one below with missing headers (along with the original with
complete headers).

Forwarded message:
>From Mon Jun  6 21:50:30 1994
>Date: Mon, 6 Jun 1994 21:50:29 -0500
>Message-Id: <>
>Apparently-To: <>
>> But if you lose the monitor password, a recovery procedure is
>> documented.  It involves, as I recall, removing the backup battery
>> (which involves opening the case) and waiting at least N hours, where N
>> is something like six or twelve.  I don't offhand recall where I read
>> this; probably in some hardware manual - it may (and quite likely does)
>> differ from model to model.
>I was under the impression that some newer chips had the power source on 
>the chip (ie no backup battery); consequently, you can't ever reset by 
>bleeding the power from the chip.  I may be remembering a PC chip - does 
>anyone know more about this feature?

| let's all be different                                                   |
| just like me                                                   Rob Quinn |
|                                                |
|                                                    QuinnBob@KSUVM.BITNET |